About US

What we do:

  • Develop and produce high-quality animation, visual effects, and live-action films that glorify God.

  • Offer animation and visual effects services to external projects.

  • Provide assistance at any stage of the production.

Who We Are:

  • Unapologetically Christian storytellers committed to sharing the message of Jesus Christ.

  • We believe the Bible is God's word and strive for accuracy in our storytelling.

  • We use creativity to entertain and inspire believers and non-believers alike.

Our Mission:

  • Craft original, high-quality stories that point to Jesus.

  • Encourage audiences to explore the Bible for themselves.

  • Prepare hearts and minds for the coming Kingdom of God.

What Makes Us Different:

  • We avoid visual depictions of God, angels, demons or the afterlife. (Exodus 20:4-5) (Acts 17:29)

  • We take NO creative liberties with the sacred scriptures. (Revelation 22:18-19) (Deuteronomy 4:2)

  • Our focus is on original characters and stories inspired by scripture.

  • We believe entertainment can be a powerful tool for sharing the gospel.

What is our stance:

  • We promote the Genesis creation account. ( Genesis 1 - 3 )

  • We promote the sanctity of human life. ( Genesis 1:27 ) (Leviticus 18:21)

  • We promote the sanctity of marriage. (Matthew 19:4-6)

  • We promote a biblically righteous lifestyle. ( Leviticus 18:1-30)

We are not:

  • Just another Christian entertainment company.

  • Focused on creating "cool" content.

  • Here to compromise on biblical truth.

We are:

  • A ministry using storytelling to spread God's message.

  • Committed to artistic excellence that honors God.

  • Preparing for the future of entertainment under Jesus' reign.

Next Steps:

  • Explore our original stories.

  • See how faith shapes our entertainment.

  • Dive deeper - read the Bible for yourself!